kabinet beer

kabinet Beer

kabinet beer


Brewed by Kabinet Brewery
Despota Stevana Lazarevića 11, Nemenikuće, Serbia

kabinet beer

Kabinet is a micro brewery hailing from the small picturesque village of Nemenikuće at the foot of the mountain Kosmaj, in the centre of Serbia. 

kabinet beerCalled “Kabinet”, to reflect a cabinet of curiosities or wonders of life, “a collection of distinctive, unique items, all that is rare, strange and precious, finest handicrafts, natural wonders, usually received and gathered from the exotic travel as an examples of the natural, geological, religious, ethnological and artistic value”. Founded by a Serbia couple, whose “wish is that the Kabinet Brewery, as a cabinet of curiosities, gathers in one place all the amazing tastes and smells of the beer world that has long inspired us”. It certainly sounds all great. 

The result are beers that are organic and without preservatives, that mix Belgian malts, French yeasts and hops from all around the world, coming in bottles that each have a curious story to tell, with minimalist styling and easy on the eye art on the bottles, Kabinet is certainly an interesting concept in the craft beer world. 

Review: 330ml Bottle of Kabinet SuperNova, an American style IPA: 6.8% ABV

Coming in a black bottle with an interesting logo, looks all new age to me, probably to tie in with its curiosities of life theme the brewery like to promote. 

On pour I get a cloudy enough darkish orange coloured beer, with a massive head initially. A very nice frothy white head. Head does die a death over time.

Some thin lacing on the glass. Overall it looks pretty flat. Not great to look at. 

kabinet beerThe smell is very nice, a typical IPA style smell, very fruity, very hoppy and very strong on the nose.
In fact I would go as far to say that the smell is amazing, yes it is really striking, and quite distinctive. Really good aroma.

On the taste it is quite strong in the hops, and has got a taste that has a lot of depth to it, quite strong, goes to the back of the throat!

Tasted the sweet fruits of which I found the oranges were the most prominent.

I struggled with this beer and its very bitter, heavy aftertaste at the start, but as usual I got the hang of the hops and by the end of the beer I enjoyed drinking it. One to sip and relax with over a long hour.

Review: 330ml Bottle of Kabinet Mozaik, an American Pale Ale: 5.2% ABV

kabinet beerAgain a strange looking logo, a modern art kind of thing, is interesting enough but I am not sure its the best looking logo for a simple beer. Apparently, according to the artist who designed it, it is meant to represent the evoking of our sensations after drinking a Mozaik.

Massive head on pour, loads of carbonation, Jesus, too much. The result of all this is a very frothy white head that takes a good while to settle. 

A dark cloudy orange coloured beer.

The beer didn’t settle very well, the creamy head maintained very well for sure, but looks all a bit crap as it is all over the place.  But it eventually did settle and it looked ok in the end. 

A very strong smell on the nose, fruity, citrus, very hoppy. It is a nice aroma, very pleasant. 

kabinet beerTypical IPA taste, hoppy and bitter, fruity, citrusy, get it all at the start, lingers too especially the caramel on the tongue. 

Malts quite strong in this one.  

Not a bad beer, definitely one to sip and enjoy, enjoyed it over the half hour or so I drank it.  Light enough and not too intense. These IPA’s are growing on me, must remember to grow a beard so.

A tad bit dry in the mouth at times, and perhaps a little too bitter, would be my only negatives. 

So overall, I found it to be a beer that is full of flavours, refreshing and well balanced, develops your taste buds in a nice way and very enjoyable to sip and take it all in. Not a bad beer, albeit its not going to shake the scene up, but will do.   

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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