Molson Canadian

Molson Canadian

Molson Canadian

Brewed by Molson Brewing Company (Molson Coors Canada)
Style: Pale Lager
Montréal, Canada

Molson CanadianCanada is a country that you would expect to find decent beers. A land of vast wilderness, miles upon miles of freshwater lakes and fields that are ripe for the growing of barley, no doubt this is a place where good beer demands to be made.

Step forward Molson Canadian, a lager beer brewed by Molson Brewing, the Canadian division of Molson Coors Brewing Company. Introduced in 1959, the beer is brewed with pure Canadian waters, prairie barley and no preservatives.The result is a beer as clean, crisp and fresh as the country it comes from. or so goes the advertisement blurb on their website!

The actual man behind the name, John Molson set out at the age of 18, on a ship from England to Canada, in search of pastures new. In 1786, he founded the Molson Brewery, the oldest brewery in North America, and subsequently, Canada’s second oldest company. In time him and his descendants have contributed a lot to Canadian society, from help building some if its railways, setting up Montreal’s first public hospital, founding a Molson Bank to help a growing economy flourish, and, in a sporting context, the brewery always like to involve itself in Canada’s national sport, Ice hockey, first sponsoring the Montreal Canadiens and later the NHL team, the Toronto Maple Leafs and then in 2012 they entered a seven year partnership with the National Hockey League, in a deal worth $375-million. 

Review: 330ml bottle of Molson Canadian: 4.0% vol.

Molson CanadianMy version was 4%, but in normal countries the ABV is 5%.

Nice logo on the bottle, of a maple leaf, Canada’s national flower. 

On pour get a very frothy white head and a golden coloured beer. Not much in the bottle but what comes out looks pretty fine, a nice looking lager.

Some good carbonation going on. Head maintains well and there is some light lacing.

Has a lovely light lagery aroma, nice and malty, wheaty……nice on the nose…..

Molson CanadianNot getting a lot of taste or flavouring from the beer, all a bit like a tonic water, so, so very light. 

Goes down easy for sure, but so does water, and this has no real bite to it at all. Ok the hops are to be found, eventually, and there are some sweet malts there or thereabouts, and it is nice to sip slowly, but it is generally a boring and bland lager that doesn’t do anything for the imagination.

Tasteless, watery and boring. Dare I say it but a bit like Canada itself, DULL……………..cough! LOL

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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