Tag Archives: Beer Opinions

Drunk Without Alcohol

‘Drunk Without Alcohol’

‘Drunk Without Alcohol’

Drug Seen As Way To Party Without Hangover

Posted: 11/13/2013 6:28 pm EST


Drunk Without Alcohol

all good


This is a fucking stupid idea from a person who probably never drank in their life or did and doesn’t know how to handle themselves drunk

Feck off with this shite!

If you need to mimic and copy an alcohol high without a hangover then just take some fucking pills for fucks sake. No hangover no problem. Ok maybe no sleep for three days as well but whats what. Who came up with this, some geek in a lab?

Having a hangover is part of the package, and if you cant handle that then don’t fucking drink.

“Imagine a substance that could mimic the pleasant effects of drinking without the downside. You could drink yourself silly on the stuff, and then reverse the inebriation with a “sober pill” and drive home safely. Hangover? What hangover?”

I happen to like the hangover phase thank you very much, it means I was in the  wars and I survived. Just, leave, it, alone, please!


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Necking Craze, the drinking game gone viral online,

Necking Craze


Necking Craze, the drinking game gone viral online,


Well since this is a site dedicated to drinking I guess I should have a write up about what all the young ones are into at the moment – Neknomination. In case you live under a rock, Neknomination is a drinking game, which has already killed at least three young men in the UK and Ireland, originated in Perth, Australia, but thanks to social media it has since gone global.

The idea of the game is to neck your drink then nominate online two others to follow within 24 hours, ‘neck your drink, nominate another’, with an added stunt included and on and on its goes. All shot on the net and posted on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Strong peer pressure is exerted and if you refuse and break the chain you will be subject to online ridicule and shame.


What to make of it all? Of course drinking games and one upmanship have done the rounds since time immemorial. We all have liked to show off our drinking prowess and skills, show that we are a party animal always up for a laugh, the soul of the party. And to be honest some of the earlier nominations online are hilarious and a good laugh. But what makes this game particularly dangerous is that the ideas are getting weirder and weirder, and what started off as a joke has really got out of hand, with the competitive nature of the game encouraging nominees to go further and be more extreme in their videos. Youngsters are adding all sorts of connotations into their drinks and their stunts are becoming even more bizarre and dangerous. Car polish, urine, cat food, bits of animals, cigarettes, seems everything except liquor!

Necking Craze, the drinking game gone viral online,

The lads

One popular online video shows a bare-chested man emptying a bottle of beer down the toilet before two friends lower him head-first into the toilet bowl to lap it up.

Then there were the two mental 20-somethings in Cornwall who posted a film of themselves catching rabbits in traps, snapping their necks and then cutting them open and eating their livers washed down with a pint of cider. I seriously hope this wasn’t up too long on YouTube/Facebook?

Maybe it’s time to step back and take a deep breath. Remember your life is recorded online forever more, and what might be funny now will not be funny when you get much older.

Well of course a site about drinking and glorifying drinking and hell raising in general I don’t want to appear to be too hypocritical. I guess if I was that age this is exactly the kind of shit I might try, what with the life of a foolish teenager/young adult. Luckily, I was never much good at necking drinks and also would never be bullied into doing anything too stupid either, but then it’s harder for young people these days what with all the pressures from the media and internet to look right and appear “cool”.  So is it mostly an issue of peer pressure and the internet rather than alcohol?  What has social media done to our youngsters?

But on YouTube there are already hundreds of videos of people necking drinks, uploaded years ago. One would only have to look at the legendary ShoeNice to see there are enough drinking nutters on the web already.


What makes this different is that youngsters are peer pressured into some of the nominations, and deaths have arisen. I wonder if people hadn’t have died would it have made the news at all, just another internet fad that would fade away in time.

Should Facebook, Twitter and YouTube ban these nominations? I am not so sure, but they definitely could be a little more socially responsible. Some of the stuff that is banned on social media, fair comment and innocent photos for example, while beheadings and this kind of stuff is encouraged, is baffling.

I guess it boils down to the internet and how if you video it and it is mad enough then people will watch and follow. Wonder what the next craze will be, but just thank god there was no social media while I was a youngster!

Anyway having said all that, bet you will still be interested to have a view of it online, so here is the YouTube compilation!

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Football and beer, the perfect match

Football and Beer

Football and Beer

Beer gives the buzz, and the game seals the deal.

Beer and Football

Beer n Football

Saw a t-shirt the other day that said “football, beer and women”. Are you crazy? Why ruin it by bringing a woman along. Let her off to the shops or whatever, but football and beer is only a time for male bonding. Can worry about women later, much later. ….

Now when I say football I mean association football and not that rubbish that the yanks play that goes on for hours and is played around kentuckfuckingchicken advertisements. The one that over 90% of the world plays, the one with a World Cup, you know, real football!

So where there is football there is beer, like night follows day, football fans drink beer, and lots of it.

Why is it so? Well I guess football as a sport that risen up from the working classes. From the bottom, where working men played the game, hard drinking men who liked to drink in real pubs drinking real drink. Working class areas in any city in the world have football teams. They don’t play rugby or cricket, or tennis or golf, its football.  People in these places tend to drink beer. Wine is too posh, and sipping fancy cocktails is hardly going to endure yourself to your mates.

Anyway this football and beer malarkey is a dream for beer companies in the advertisement wars. Heineken sponsor the Champions League, Carlsberg the last Euros, while Budweiser sponsored the last world cup. Carling was a sponsor of the English premier, and we also have the Budweiser FA Cup, and a huge number of teams are sponsored by beer companies. Tell me the last time a Wine was sponsored on a football shirt? During a big football game expect a huge hike in the amount of beer sold. Can you imagine how many beers people drank last summer for the World Cup in Brazil?

Beer gives the buzz, and the game seals the deal. Win, lose or draw, back to the pub for the pints to regurgitate the game, and dish the centre forward for missing what your granny could score or some shite like that.

There are generally three types of football fan. The fanatic, the guy who knows everything about his team, all the stats going back years, he has a long log of games he has seen live, and knows the pubs to drink in when near any ground you care to mention. The man who lives and breathes football. Then there is the normal fan,  the guy who can take it and leave it, whose life isn’t totally controlled by football. And the final fan is the flirt (the glory hunter), who just likes to go along with all the fun and be part of something big, the largest group.

I have seen guys who have travelled long distances to only have the drink and the fun outside the stadium. Fellas who have travelled just for the beer, the banter, and if they so wish for, a punch up.

Beer and Football

Beer n Football

(So its world cup year and I will be off the radar for the whole months of June and July, more or less two whole months of football, TV, beer and having a good time. Too early to predict who will win, Germany, Brazil (and a dodgy ref), or Uruguay (people say dark horse, but they have won it more times than England!), but what I can predict is I will have a good time anyway. Thank God for beer and football!)

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No Alcohol!

The Evils of Alcohol and The Non-Believers!

The Evils of Alcohol and The Non-Believers!

Religious freaks that go on about the evils of alcohol and drinking (and sex, drugs, gambling, and anything else that can be perceived to be “fun”)  give me a right old pain. It is fine if that is what they want to believe in and are perfectly entitled to hold that view but its an ache when they try to enforce that view on anybody else.

The evils of alcohol

Some fanatical Muslim men were tried in British courts recently for trying to enforce Sharia law in East London, stopping homosexuals from holding hands and attacking people drinking outside bars. Fruit cakes. It just goes to show that they are so bored out of their skull that to see anyone having a good time gets on their nerves. Obviously they cant find any solace in their shitty religion to comfort them. I have walked around that part of London many a time, sometimes pissed as a fart, pity they didn’t bump into me, as I would have had a good right old laugh at them!

But of course its not just in Islam that drinking is frowned upon, many Christian types also like to have a right old barney about the evils of drink. There is a group called The “Drunken Glory” movement which is on the rise in the USA. They basically get inebriated and high off the Holy Spirit. Check out the link below. Jesus H Christ that’s mad. No matter how hard they try they still look like a bunch of boring bastards with nothing much to say at all. I bet a lot of them are missing a good pint.


Another group of people who pish me off are the ex- drinkers who whine about their time in rehab and their ritual of AA meetings. The Betty Ford ones. They are cultish, and moan and moan. The Roy Keane types, that are just bitter…..ALL THE FUCKING TIME.                                Look you lost the game, you were not able to control your drinking habit, that’s fine not all can, but please don’t keep going on about it, and enough with all the books about your “time in rehab”. No one cares.  A lot of the time I do wonder what they did to get into rehab. I mean you have someone like Daniel Radcliffe (nice guy and all) or Ben Affleck or whoever, some shitball that you know full damn well probably had one or two roughish nights and couldn’t hack it, poor creatures! I mean Jesus its not Keith Moon we are talking about here so spare us the shit.

Anyway rant over. Leave me be to enjoy my drinking in peace.


‘Muslim Patrol’ 

‘Weird’ preacher starts ‘drunken glory’ cult 

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Some quick rules and pointers for drinking in the bar.

My top rules for drinking

My top rules for drinking

Drinking rules for the discernible drinker, can be taken seriously, or not! 

Alcohol, and lots of it

Alcohol, and lots of it

1) If want to play with the big boys please try and drink your shots straight and neat. There is nothing worse than seeing someone mixing coke with a perfectly good whiskey, or putting orange into decent Russian vodka. STOP THAT! If you can’t handle the taste then don’t drink it, just drink the coke instead. If you want to get smashed then just take some cider and some pills. The only thing, and I mean the only thing, would be a small dash of water with a whiskey, as that’s good for the taste and alcohol content.

2) Sometimes it pays to drink in preparation for drinking. Going out these days is bloody expensive. I prefer a cheap wine and about 4 beers; it’s a great combo in prep for the pub later.  No harm with this, as it can cost and arm and a leg to spend the whole night drinking in a bar so if already in the “zone” before you walk into the bar you can save a lot of quid!

3) If a bird is still ugly after about 7 pints then give up, she isn’t going to look any better, and will be hard to displace in the morning when you have your hangover.

4) Drinking games are for mugs and people who don’t know how to drink, or Americans.  The whole purpose of drinking in a bar is to drink alcohol and have a good time, not to play silly games that restrict your drinking. Can never understand them, surely a punishment for not doing well in a drinking game is to not drink!

5) Always stick about in a bar or club or just around outside, till the very end, as that’s more than likely when the real shit starts.  So many good sessions I have drunk in have started when most people go home. There is always someone up for more fun, ALWAYS.

6) If you sense you did something dodgy the night before then I strongly recommend to try not knowing about the full gory details as no good will come of this. Alcohol the day after is a depressing place to be, and hearing what you got on the night will just make you more pissed off. Better to ignore it, and after a week any shit you did should be forgotten or in the annals of bar folklore. Can always deny any story, or, better, blame it on someone else!

7) Best and only hangover cure is….more drink! If desperate could have some cocktails (yes I know they are mixes but still!!). I am usually back to normal after the 3rd or 4th drink, then I am buzzing again, simples!

8) Don’t be a beer snob. All beer has its own strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes it can be good to have a light beer, like fosters or Budweiser, if relaxing. Nothing wrong with that at all. Can’t all have access, either, to great Belgian or German beers, sometimes we just have to drink what’s available.

9) No woman or non drinker will ever care about your beer stories; in fact they will be frowned upon. Good beer stories should stay in the bar. What sounds hilarious in the bar NEVER sounds good in the real world.

10) NEVER turn down a free drink or on offer to go to the bar. Are you freaking crazy, life is to short for that craic, what else would you be doing? Hoovering?

11) A hard one, but try not to eat when you are finished drinking. Near impossible I know, but the food is just lying there on top of all your nights drinking and will lie there all night just floating around in your stomach. Also the toilet the next day will be like a bomb site. Just go to bed quickly and have a nice fry up in the morning.

12) Don’t count your drinks. Shouldn’t be a problem really to most but its kind of strange if you do. Why would you even try, its not a competition.

13) If you owe someone money its always a good idea to repay them in the bar. They should instantly buy you a beer at the minimum, if not then they are cunts!

14) Toasting is expected when downing shots, its basic good manners. Also I like to toast the first Guinness or decent beer when out for an expected long session.

15) It is ok to drink alone, an oldie but perfectly fine. Might look edgy after all, and if you are there long enough you will meet other like minded people soon enough, if you want!

16) If bored in certain company in a bar just leave. You will look mysterious and cool, and can build up a mystifying persona. No point just dragging out a boring night when there are so many other bars and clubs that you could be in having the great time.

17) If you had a fierce argument with bar staff always try to apologise as soon as possible. They are the gate keepers, you don’t want to make them pissed off, and you don’t want to get a bad reputation.

So these are my drinking rules……drinking rules that you can either take it or leave it…….enjoy! 

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The perfect bar man?

The perfect bar man (or woman)?

The perfect bar man (or woman)?

The perfect bar man?

Not the perfect bar man!

As a patron of many bars, the bar man (or woman) is quite an important person in the pursuit of getting drunk. So what do we look for in the attributes of a good bar person?

They should be fast enough in getting you your drink, I mean you don’t want to be waiting a long time for a drink, especially a first drink.

Personality doesn’t really matter, as long as the person isn’t a complete cunt. Doesn’t even have to say a whole lot. Actually the best bar staff are the ones who say very little and hover around the bar. You are the one who is drinking, so you are the one who is doing the talking, and you can never hear what they are saying in any case. As long as the bar man is friendly, has some basic chit chat about football, the weather, how all politicians are wankers, and the weather, that’s really all you need to hear from him.

How they look isn’t really important. Sometimes the  towel over the shoulder look is cool, but no one really cares as long as the drink is pouring on time and regular.

Good bar staff are the ones who don’t shuttle you out the door once closing time is up. They should give you time to finish your drink. I hate when some get snotty about it. Fuck off, no one is forcing you to work as bar staff, so shut the hell up. The best bar staff are the ones who lock the door and let you continue long into the night. They are far and few between but I have met them!

Having a good memory is good. Nothing better than walking into a bar and giving him the special code, he already pouring your regular drink, “the usual”, while you take your seat. That’s a skill from a top barman, and a special, almost loving, relationship that takes a while to develop.

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